About Us
History of the Organization
The first Mifflin-Juniata Area Agency on Aging (MJAAA) programs began with the opening of the Lewistown and Mifflin Senior Centers in 1975. In 1981, the inaugural Board of Directors was organized and the MJAAA obtained its nonprofit status. One year later, in 1982, the Home Delivered Meals program was introduced; and in 1984, Call A Ride Service (CARS) was introduced as the transportation department for the Mifflin-Juniata Area Agency on Aging.
As services and programs continued to expand over the years, the MJAAA Board of Directors decided it was time to restructure the organization’s framework. In 2005, Mifflin- Juniata Regional Services Corporation (MJRSC) was incorporated to serve as the parent organization over the existing programs. As this was happening, Call A Ride Service and Mifflin-Juniata Food Services were incorporated as separate entities and became affiliates of MJRSC, along with the Mifflin-Juniata Area Agency on Aging.
In 2018, the Mifflin-Juniata Regional Services Board of Directors developed new branding to unify and boost recognition of services provided by MJRSC and its affiliates. “MJRSC-THE CARE NETWORK” was introduced and includes Mifflin-Juniata Regional Services Corporation, Mifflin-Juniata Area Agency on Aging, and Call A Ride Service.
Together, MJRSC and its affiliates offer a comprehensive and coordinated service delivery system to meet the needs of older adults, adults with disabilities, and community members across Mifflin and Juniata Counties. With one call, staff are able to connect individuals to services or support their seeking including other community support services.

Samantha Slautterback
Executive Director, MJ-RSC

Chelsea Reed
Aging Director, MJ-AAA

Cindy Sunderland
Call-A-Ride Service Director

Roger Drumheller
Human Resources Director

Jennifer Hepner
Finance Director
Board of Directors
Mifflin-Juniata Regional
Services Corporation
Kevin Kodish – President
Mark Partner – Vice President
Harry Margritz – Treasurer
Sandy Hershey – Secretary
Cher Harpster
Colette Hartzler
Donis Zagurskie
Marie Kirkpatrick
Rick Bender
Steve Bell
Lou Ann Fisher
Area Agency on Aging, Inc.
Mark Partner – President
Bob Henry – Vice President
Crystal Paige – Treasurer
Steven DeArment – Secretary
Bob Henry
Crystal Paige
Harold Jenkinson
Jackie Leister
Steven DeArment
Wanda Gable
Call A Ride Services, Inc.
Marie Kirkpatrick – President
Alice Gray – Vice President
Kristy Hine – Treasurer
Kathie Graham – Secretary
Kevin Kodish
Cheryl Bressler
Annual Reports
Description about what annual reports are, why they are completed each year, should go here…
Click on the image of an Annual Report below to Download the report.