Phone: 1-800-348-2277


Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm


Mifflin-Juniata Area Agency on Aging Operates

Senior Centers in Your Area

Local senior centers provide a place to meet up with old friends, make new ones, or learn something new. The Mifflin-Juniata Area Agency on Aging operates four senior centers, two located in Mifflin County and two in Juniata County. Each center offers opportunities for nutritious meals, social activities, and a range of programs.



  • Age 60 or older
  • Participant needs to be able to manage his/her own activities of daily living, i.e. toileting, dressing, self-administration of medications and eating (or with a personal care attendant)

More information about the Centers

Centers offer a variety of opportunities


The senior centers provide a wide variety of fun, informative, and engaging programs for people with diverse interests.  Center programming includes exercise sessions, cards and games, health screenings, educational discussions, creative arts, volunteer opportunities, occasional trips, and other special events which are unique to each individual center. People attending the centers may attend as frequently or as infrequently as they want. There is no minimum attendance requirement for senior centers.

Congregate Meal

The senior centers also provide hot nutritious meals. While walk-ins are always welcome, we encourage you to guarantee your meal by making a reservation. Contact the center manager at your local senior center to make a reservation.  A donation is requested, but is not required.  Contributions help to support the agency’s services.


If needed, transportation to attend the centers is available through Call-A-Ride Services (CARS).  Transportation to and from the center is provided free of charge for center participants.

To arrange for transportation to a senior center, call the CARS office at 717-242-CARS or sign up on the transportation sheet provided at each senior center.

Locate a Center nearest you

Mifflin-Juniata Centers

Four Seasons Senior Community Center

Juniata County – Mifflin

Center Hours:

Monday – Friday


56 Jam House Road, Mifflin, PA 17058

Phone Number


Center Manager

Jody Ehrisman

Email Address

Each Senior Center offers various events each month. To view the calendar of events for the Four Seasons Senior Community Center location, click the button above.

Lewistown Senior Community Center

Mifflin County – Lewistown

Center Hours:

Monday – Friday


515B Knepp Ave, Lewistown, PA 17044

Phone Number


Center Manager

Jennifer Feathers

Email Address

Each Senior Center offers various events each month. To view the calendar of events for the Lewistown Senior Community Center location, click the button above.

McAlisterville Senior Community Center

Juniata County – McAlisterville

Center Hours:

Monday – Friday


158 Lions Den Drive, McAlisterville, PA 17049

Phone Number


Center Manager

Carrie Noss

Email Address

Each Senior Center offers various events each month. To view the calendar of events for the McAlisterville Senior Community Center location, click the button above.

Milroy Senior Center

Mifflin County – Milroy

Center Hours:

Monday – Friday


283 Broad Street, Milroy, PA 17063

Phone Number


Center Manager

Deborah Lenz

Email Address

Each Senior Center offers various events each month. To view the calendar of events for the Milroy Senior Center location, click the button above.

Centers In Motion

Centers In Motion provides a wide variety of fun and interactive activities across our two-county region without being tied to any one specific building or location. Programming is  open to all adults who are 55 years of age and older. If you enjoy staying active, learning new things, and having a good time, then this is the group for you!

Part of our mission is to provide a very personal touch by organizing trips and programs that will interest you most! All activities are thoughtfully coordinated with the intention of promoting learning, socialization, and friendship.

Some Of Our Activities:
Technology Classes, Dinner Theatre, Painting, Jewelry Making, Holiday Parties, Shopping Trips, Train Rides …and more!